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Configuring SMS Support


MyClient may send SMS messages in response to certain actions:

MyClient requires a gateway to be configured before SMS messages can be sent. You may configure SMS gateway options in MyClient on the Manage System Behaviour page on the Gateways tab. MyClient supports sending SMS using one of the following SMS gateways:

Twilio Gateway

Twilio provide a popular, programmable voice and SMS service in over 190 countries around the world. If you sign up for a Twilio account, you can use it with MyClient to send SMS messages.

When signing into Twilio, you will be presented with an "Account SID" and "Auth Token" on the home page; please copy them into MyClient on the Manage System Behaviour page along with your Twilio phone number.

Figure 1. Twilio access tokens

As Twilio offers service in many countries, if you are outside of the USA, please ensure that you use the country code prefix (e.g. +64, +61, +44) for all sender and recipient phone numbers.

Email gateway

MyClient also supports using any SMS provider that uses a specific email gateway format. The gateway should deliver an SMS if it receives an email in the following format:

From: Specific From Name <>

SMS body

where "recipient" is the recipient's phone number, and the Specific From Name and Specific From Email are secret parameters configured with the email gateway provider for authentication. MyClient accepts these parameters as "SMS Gateway Address", "SMS Reply Address", and "SMS Reply Name" respectively on the Gateways tab.

One provider that offers an email SMS gateway in this format is Net24 iSMS in New Zealand.

Custom Gateway

If your SMS provider uses a different gateway format, please contact support to discuss integrating this gateway with MyClient.