MyClient has been in use and in development since 2008. This page contains a weekly summary of changes made to MyClient by the continuous integration systems, from the time leading up to the public beta programme.
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Week ending 2016-08-26
- Feature: Option to override email report language per-customer (Ahsay)
- Feature: Event Handler rule to submit an Installation Summary (Ahsay)
- Enhancement: Improve inline documentation when submitting an Installation Summary (Ahsay)
- Fix an issue with handling unknown backupset types in the Automatic Module Optimizer (Ahsay)
- Fix an issue with syncing Destination information from certain CBS server versions that miss out information in response (Ahsay v7 compatibility)
- Fix an issue with removing cores (AppAssure)
- Fix an issue with the 'Download Stored Backupset Profiles' feature if information was missing for a single backupset (Ahsay)
- Fix an issue with loading large reports from the backup server (Ahsay v7 compatibility)
- Fix an issue with not applying the 'Use Customer's Language' setting to external-view backup job reports if the customer was not logged in to the Customer Portal (Ahsay)
- Fix a cosmetic issue that could cause tickets to be missing from email reports in certain specific situations
- Fix a cosmetic issue with loading reports for a Connector that has since been removed from the system (ShadowProtect)
- Fix a cosmetic issue with respecting choice of 1000 / 1024 multiples in graph views (AppAssure)
- Fix a cosmetic issue with the Password Reset email message text
- Fix a cosmetic issue with not displaying server names for old submitted Installation Summaries (Ahsay)
- Fix a cosmetic issue with unexpected scrollbar on column selection popup on certain themes and on certain pages