MyClient has been in use and in development since 2008. This page contains a weekly summary of changes made to MyClient by the continuous integration systems, from the time leading up to the public beta programme.
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Week ending 2016-03-04
- (Custom Development)
- Feature: Updated German translation
- Feature: Option to hide Storage Quota from Installation Summary documents (Ahsay)
- Feature: Add 'Open in New Tab' context menu option to the View Customers page (Ahsay)
- Feature: Event handler to run remote command on customer computer (Ahsay)
- Enhancement: Cosmetic upgrades for the new 'Graphite' theme
- Enhancement: Add additional help text to the Installation Summary submission form
- Fix an issue attempting to load the Restore applet for web browsers without Java available (Ahsay v6)
- Fix an issue using the enter key to log in in certain versions of Internet Explorer and Edge
- Fix a cosmetic issue when attempting to sync with an LDAP server on the Manage Servers page
- Fix a cosmetic issue with layout on some certain settings pages
- Fix a cosmetic issue with one-off schedules displayed in Installation Summary documents (Ahsay)
- Fix a cosmetic issue with confusing wording for the 'Flagged by Monitoring Priority' search clause (Ahsay)