MyClient has been in use and in development since 2008. This page contains a weekly summary of changes made to MyClient by the continuous integration systems, from the time leading up to the public beta programme.
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Week ending 2015-10-30
- (Custom Development)
- New website design
- Feature: Automatically back up Profile.xml files from your AhsayOBS servers to MyClient on 7-day rotation.
- Feature: Installation Summary layout profiles
- Enhancement: Update WHMCS plugin to 1.8 (fixes a number of issues with WHMCS 6.x series)
- Enhancement: Additional help text when tagging customers via the detail dialog
- Fix an issue including ticket response markers on callback emails
- Fix an issue with a regression when making new search queries filtered by MB size
- Fix a cosmetic issue with miscategorised 'Event triggered connected to backupset' event handler
- Fix a cosmetic issue with the File Validation Check dialog if the time of last CRC check cannot be determined
- Fix a cosmetic issue with cursor behaviour on the Manage Servers page
- Fix a cosmetic issue with inconsistent design on the Manage Servers page for individual product features (ShadowProtect)