MyClient has been in use and in development since 2008. This page contains a weekly summary of changes made to MyClient by the continuous integration systems, from the time leading up to the public beta programme.
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Week ending 2015-08-07
- Feature: Allow modifying existing Event Handler rules
- Feature: Send SNMP trap from an Event Handler
- Enhancement: Expose additional VMWare options in the Backupset Editor (Ahsay and later)
- Enhancement: Continue with Bannersync even when unable to prune unused autogenerated AdGroups
- Enhancement: Cosmetic redesign download buttons on the Autoclient page
- Fix an issue that could cause severe slowdowns for searches on the 'Search Backupsets' page for certain specific queries in large MyClient installations
- Fix an issue where certain methods of creating a reseller could result in invalid permission group links
- Fix an issue with the 'My Watchlist' saved search on the 'Seach Backupsets' page if the ability to Ignore backupsets was disabled for the logged-in reseller permission group
- Fix an issue where certain methods of creating an Autoclient could result in invalid Autoclient base URL links
- Fix a cosmetic issue with some tickets appearing twice on the Customer Detail page
- Fix a cosmetic issue with loading invalid search widgets on the homepage (Ahsay)