MyClient has been in use and in development since 2008. This page contains a weekly summary of changes made to MyClient by the continuous integration systems, from the time leading up to the public beta programme.
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Week ending 2015-03-20
- Feature: Additional Ping Targets (either HTTP(s) or ICMP)
- Feature: Change menu layout to 'Service-based' on System Settings > Menu Items > 'Base item layout'
- Feature: CAPTCHA for main MyClient login (displayed after configurable failed attempts in configurable time interval)
- Feature: Option to display missed ShadowProtect backups in email reports as red instead of grey after a configurable time threshold
- Feature: Allow resellers one-click access to login to their AppAssure cores
- Enhancement: Display Ahsay version number in red if it is prior to
- Enhancement: Display current time on the Bandwidth Schedules page to assist in resolving scheduling issues caused by incorrect timezone
- Enhancement: Ping Monitor respect servers' option for Invalid SSL Certificates
- Documentation: New Articles - Dashboards, Bandwidth Schedules, Backupset Shelf
- Documentation: Pages with minor updates - URLRewrite, Security Features, Search Widgets, Embedding MyClient
- Documentation: Updated Server Health Monitor to discuss Alert on API Error, Additional Ping Target, moved into Small Business chapter
- Documentation: URLRewrite is no longer recommended
- Documentation: More accurate dates on the Changelog
- Fix an issue with alerting certain types of API errors on Ahsay backup servers
- Fix an issue with accessing the Bandwidth Schedules feature
- Fix an issue with scheduling for the 'Every Hour' event source
- Fix a cosmetic issue with hover images not displaying on the View Customers (Ahsay) page
- Fix a cosmetic issue with image alignment on the Manage Servers page