MyClient has been in use and in development since 2008. This page contains a weekly summary of changes made to MyClient by the continuous integration systems, from the time leading up to the public beta programme.
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Week ending 2014-03-28
- (Custom Development)
- Feature: Search resellers by parent office
- Feature: Preview operator watchlist / event log / all-customers email reports
- Documentation: Moving accounts between AhsayOBS servers
- Documentation: Security Features
- Enhancement: Restore password section in original position of Operator dialog
- Enhancement: Better error message when using https connector to an http-only server
- Enhancement: Add warning to 'Start backup job' event regarding limitations on database-type backupsets
- Enhancement: Cosmetic update list of supported VMWare backupset types to match 6.17
- Enhancement: Cosmetic upgrade for the File Browser
- Enhancement: Cosmetic upgrade for the Contacts table in a customer dialog
- Only send quota change email to operator making change if operator is primary
- Fix an issue preventing using the File Browser on certain backupsets
- Fix an issue with the File Browser on accounts with duplicate usernames
- Fix an issue using the File Browser on Hyper-V and VMWare ESX backupsets
- Fix an issue with spurious backupjob-completed events for AhsayOBS servers supplying incorrect information
- Fix an issue with the Advanced Event Log with duplicate usernames
- Fix an issue with available network protocols
- Fix an issue with single-use code expiry
- Fix a cosmetic issue preventing the 'not logged in' error message from appearing on the Quick Search
- Fix a cosmetic issue with wording the System Default Send Daily Backup Reports option
- Fix a cosmetic issue with propagating the system brand name in certain emails
- Fix a cosmetic issue with creating a new operator
- Fix a cosmetic issue with RDR connectivity error logs
- Fix a cosmetic issue with sorting operators for non-primary resellers with subresellers on the Advanced Event Log page