MyClient has been in use and in development since 2008. This page contains a weekly summary of changes made to MyClient by the continuous integration systems, from the time leading up to the public beta programme.
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Week ending 2013-06-07
- (Custom Development)
- Feature: Event action to send a customer's daily backup report, action to connect to customers by backupset search
- Feature: Event source for every-hour
- Feature: Allow filtering Backupjob Complete event source by Any/All statuses
- Feature: Allow searching backupsets by hours since last job
- Fix an issue searching for backupsets by company tags
- Fix an issue using the Restore dialog for customers owned by a SubAdmin
- Fix an issue that could cause time drift on certain time-based events
- Fix a cosmetic issue on the Muted and Embeddable templates if there are no tickets or items on watchlist