MyClient has been in use and in development since 2008. This page contains a weekly summary of changes made to MyClient by the continuous integration systems, from the time leading up to the public beta programme.
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Week ending 2013-03-22
- Feature: Allow toggling between compressed and uncompressed data usage on the Account Usage grid
- Feature: Option to select whether primary operators default to viewing all customers
- Feature: Option to prevent deleting files via the Restore applet
- Feature: Option to prevent reseller-created customers from recieving welcome emails
- Feature: Option to prevent reseller operators from toggling between compressed and uncompressed data usage
- Feature: Option to prevent reseller customers from recieving daily backup report summary emails
- Feature: Option to display data compression ratio on the Customer List page
- Improve performance of producing daily backup report summary emails
- Improve performance of searching accounting data
- Fix a cosmetic issue with the System Behaviour page
- Fix a cosmetic issue causing office names to not appear in notifications when creating new accounts via an API token
- Fix a cosmetic issue with the Quota Bar Style description list
- Fix an issue when using decimal commas on the Billing tab
- Fix an issue preventing reseller operators selecting child resellers on the Event Log
- Fix an issue preventing using the Restore dialog for ACB customers
- Fix an issue causing script errors in older versions of Internet Explorer